Thursday, October 23, 2008

Raymond E. Biesinger

Graduating Year: Self Taught
Occupation: Illustrator

Wonderfully minimal! Is how I would describe the work of Raymond E. Biesinger. On his website he describes himself as a self-taught illustrator based in Edmonton, Canada, who likes conceptualizing, minimalism, art, and progressive politics. He deploys pens, computers, inks, acrylics, photos, rubber stamps, photocopiers, printers, blades, typewriters, Letraset, and a BA in European and North American political history. This group has served him well since 2001, when he began drawing at the U of A's student paper, the Gateway. There he enjoyed writing and editing weekly columns as Managing editor, but dreaded his other duty: finding editorial cartoonists. Several last minute fill-ins later, Biesinger decided to fill the space himself by shoe-horning his dark, semi-cubist black and whites into the role of a pundit, a realm usually defended by loose-handed cartoonists.

Check out Raymond's upcoming publication 100 B/W: Black on White Illustrations from The Belgravian Press.
I've got my order in the mail.
(found via